Jhon Lopez Campo, Julio Beltran and Brayan Heredia Escobar allegedly beat, stabbed and strangled Condido Devenites.
Investigators said in the court papers that the three men allegedly stabbed, beat and strangled with ligatures Saravia Devenites in a wooded lot on the south side of Suffolk Avenue at about 10:30 p.m.
Megan Marchena, 26, pleaded not guilty to assault and endangering the welfare of a child charges over the weekend.
James Rogers, 66, is alleged to have killed Mark Iacono, 65, with his bare hands Thursday evening following a Bay Shore Alcoholic Anonymous meeting.
Anthony Wright, 40, of Amityville, had not posted bail as of Tuesday afternoon, a spokeswoman for the Suffolk Sheriff said.
An MS-13 associate who helped lure four young men to their machete deaths in a Central Islip park in 2017, but later turned ...
Two pit bulls, named Princess and Koda, were found inside in “filthy areas of garbage and feces" in the New York home ...
When detectives arrived at the Brentwood home, the stench of feces, urine and rot were so pungent that they began to cough ...