Save nearly 40% on the 8Bitdo Ultimate Bluetooth controller with charging dock over at Amazon for a limited time.
Controller support has been available on iOS since Version 1.3, released in February 2021, and now it will be available for ...
When it comes to my controller setup these days, I've pretty much settled on an old Xbox Design Lab pad and a super-fancy ...
Version 5.5 of Genshin Impact will finally add controller support on Android, something that iOS players have had for more ...
At long last I can use a controller to play Genshin Impact on mobile and not rely on touch-screen controls to activate ultimates.
Despite recent news suggesting otherwise, a new exclusive report from Windows Central's Jez Corden says that definitive ...
Microsoft's first full foray into PC gaming handhelds begins with a partner device set to launch later this year, with its ...
The first Xbox-branded gaming handheld may come as soon as this year, but it may not be made by Microsoft. Windows Central’s ...
Here, reporter Jez Corden shares what he's heard about Xbox's hardware strategy, including both a handheld console, and the s ...
Microsoft's first full foray into PC gaming handhelds begins with a partner device set to launch later this year, with its ...
Buying a game controller for your PC is a task fraught with uncertainty and confusion. While gaming on a console typically ...