Are 16 pediatric beds enough in a county of 831,000 people? Doctors, nurses and parents worry about the answer.
Planet TV Studios New Frontiers Planet TV Studios proudly serves as the exclusive sponsor of the New Frontiers series. Dr. D ...
Tips for primary care physicians when it comes to deciding whether — and when — to refer a patient to a cardiologist.
A new laboratory study has provided insights into the potential therapeutic benefits of blood purification for patients with ...
Bay Area News Group: Berkeley Man Sues Kaiser Permanente, Accuses Medical Assistant Of Sexual Assault During Cancer Surgery A Kaiser Permanente patient filed a lawsuit last week against the ...
A planned demonstration by the non-profit “4Kira4Moms,” was held outside Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Thursday demanding the hospital provide safe and equitable maternal care as well as commitment to ...
Just hours after the birth of their second child, Charles Johnson lost his wife Kira at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in west ...
Her death sparked an investigation from the federal Department Health and Human Services Civil Rights division, which was resolved last month with the hospital agreeing to take specific action to ...
Providence Southern ... Center in Apple Valley is part of the health care network. Providence South Division Chief Medical Officer Ranjit Hundal, who oversees the health organization’s ...
David Brian Pearce, 42, has been convicted of murder in the deaths of two women as well as sexual assault charges.
Giles was already dead when she was taken to Southern California Hospital in Culver City ... him,” prompting Pearce to take a quick shower before leaving for Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as Ansbach ...