MQ-28 Ghost Bat The MQ-28 Ghost Bat, manufactured by Boeing in Australia, is a formidable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) designed as a wingman drone. It stretches 38 feet in length and boasts an ...
Het Collecti.e.f 8 Maars Brussel doet opnieuw mee aan de internationale oproep tot een vrouwenstaking op 8 maart 2025, de Internationale Dag voor de Rechten van Vrouwen. De organisatie, die bestaat ...
We aim to cooperatively regulate the UAV-UGV assembly to achieve equilibrium in the presence of external disturbances and hybrid cyber-attacks. A composite observer based resilient model predictive ...
A recent social media video shows how Russia plans to integrate the Courier unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) into its current operations. The video features a technical demonstration where the UGV ...
Milrem Robotics has added a large 8x8 Uncrewed Ground Vehicle (UGV) to its list of products as it continues to ramp up production of its Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS) UGV. Milrem ...