Johnson County’s recently formed housing coalition will hold listening sessions for landlords and property owners later this month.
The year-old law banning landlords from refusing to rent to tenants who pay with Section 8 vouchers is on hold until at least December.
After three years, the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) has announced it will once again manage the Section 8 ... County residents were on the wait list to get a housing voucher.
Washington County, Kingsport City School officals continue to oppose voucher bill after Senate vote Travis Kelce speaks out after Kansas City Chiefs’ heavy Super Bowl defeat The 10 Best and ...
Lee Carlson The 9th Grade League Qualifier was held in Jackson on January 25th and Beck Johnson earned a trip to the state tournament while… ...
which oversees the county's public schools, spoke in favor of expanding Tennessee's private school voucher program as the bill races through the state legislature. Henderson advocated Jan. 28 for ...
An explanation is needed. The Kansas Senate Education Committee on Tuesday heard testimony on Senate Bill 75, a so-called “voucher” bill that provides massive tax credits to families that keep ...
“I think this is a great resolution to be against [vouchers],” Gentry said. “However, I think it would be better if we just asked for an exemption for our county.” Gentry said he is ...
Betsy Henderson, chair of the Knox County Board of Education, which oversees the county's public schools, spoke in favor of expanding Tennessee's private school voucher program as the bill races ...
Members of the Wilson County Board of Education have spoken out against Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s school voucher proposal. During the Thursday, Jan. 23 meeting, each member of the school board ...
State figures for 2024 show that Lackawanna County recipients redeemed 32,875 of the 36,350 voucher checks issued here, for a redemption rate of about 90.4%, the highest rate in the state.
“Not only is it using taxpayer money to pay for private education, but we have no private schools in Campbell County that are accredited to receive those funds,” Campbell County Director of ...