At some point, melting ice in the North Atlantic—caused by increased global warming—will cause so much freshwater to be ...
The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, March 16, 2025, including hardcover and paperback ...
For the first time, scientists have experimentally confirmed that electrons can form tornado-like structures in momentum ...
See the top-selling releases among hardcover fiction and nonfiction, plus trade and mass market paperbacks for the sales week ...
Density functional theory (DFT) is a cornerstone tool of modern physics, chemistry, and engineering used to explore the ...
Density functional theory (DFT) is a cornerstone tool of modern physics, chemistry, and engineering used to explore the behavior of electrons. While ...
Pitt researcher Karl Johnson and scholar Priyanka Bholanath Shukla collaborate to help strengthen an essential electron theory ...
Scientists experimentally confirm electron vortices in momentum space, a quantum phenomenon that could enable efficient, ...
Researchers have experimentally demonstrated a quantum tornado. Electrons form vortices in the momentum space of the quantum semi-metal tantalum arsenide.
Nitrogen gas (N2) is one of the most abundant yet highly stable gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Its N≡N triple bond has an ...