Under the request, DORA would be in effect from noon to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and noon to 11 p.m. Friday and ...
A sneak peek at upcoming San Diego community events, including street fairs, festivals, concerts, performances, art shows, ...
FOX21 Storm Team latest forecast - Monday March 10th. Pleasant weather expected the next few days. We'll be a few degrees ...
The project at the NOLA VFW will ensure that veterans have an operational facility even during weather events and grid ...
Hundreds gathered at VFW Post 2799 for a fish fry fundraiser, with all proceeds going to the Daff Brown family as they mourn the loss of a mother and son while another child remains hospitalized.
Authorities in Dutchess County apprehended a suspect who allegedly fired a gun inside a local VFW post before fleeing the ...
Legis. Ann Welker (D-Southampton) and the Suffolk County Veterans Services Agency organized the event as a way for veterans ...
The 11:30 a.m. event on March 29 in Hauppauge aligns with National Vietnam War Veterans Day, marking March 29, 1973 as the date when the last U.S. troops left Vietnam.
He and Judith K. Rovero, who survives him, were married for 66 years. He was long-time member of AMVETS #46, VFW Post #46, Knights of Columbus Council 64, and the Elks #574, according to an ...