Vanishing atoms can ruin quantum calculations. Scientists have a new plan to locate leaks. Quantum computers face a major ...
Ask almost any physicist what the most frustrating problem is in modern-day physics, and they will likely say the discrepancy between general relativity and quantum mechanics. That discrepancy has ...
In recent years, physicists have been trying to better understand the behavior of individual quantum particles as they move ...
New Zealand has a strong legacy in quantum physics. But to turn this into a thriving commercial sector will require ...
The basic hydrogen atom is the simplest of all atoms ... which also — to the distress of many physicists, including Schrödinger and Einstein — abandoned intuitive visual models in the ...
The 'Schrödinger's cat' thought experiment illustrates a quantum superposition state, where a cat is simultaneously alive and dead, depending on the decay of a radioactive atom. Professor Andrea ...
It was Erwin Schrödinger who, in 1935, devised his famous thought experiment involving a cat that could, worryingly, be both dead and alive at the same time. In his gedanken experiment, the decay of a ...
Das Antimon-Atom ist in einen Quantenchip aus Silizium integriert ... Dieses Konzept wird durch das Gedankenexperiment der Schrödinger-Katze veranschaulicht, bei dem eine Katze gleichzeitig lebendig ...