MQ-28 Ghost Bat The MQ-28 Ghost Bat, manufactured by Boeing in Australia, is a formidable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) designed as a wingman drone. It stretches 38 feet in length and boasts an ...
US Army Special Forces' soldiers are able to control UASs using their voices with Primordial Labs' Anura software. (Janes/Meredith Roaten) Soldiers will test a voice command software paired with ...
A recent social media video shows how Russia plans to integrate the Courier unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) into its current operations. The video features a technical demonstration where the UGV ...
Milrem Robotics has added a large 8x8 Uncrewed Ground Vehicle (UGV) to its list of products as it continues to ramp up production of its Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS) UGV. Milrem ...
In de aanloop van het Internationale Vrouwendag zaterdag, organiseerde het feministische collectief 8 maars vrijdag al enkele acties. Dat was onder meer het geval aan vzw Gams in Molenbeek. Meerdere ...
Het Collecti.e.f 8 Maars Brussel doet opnieuw mee aan de internationale oproep tot een vrouwenstaking op 8 maart 2025, de Internationale Dag voor de Rechten van Vrouwen. De organisatie, die bestaat ...
We aim to cooperatively regulate the UAV-UGV assembly to achieve equilibrium in the presence of external disturbances and hybrid cyber-attacks. A composite observer based resilient model predictive ...
AgEagle Aerial Systems has introduced version 2.1.0 of its eBee VISION application software, designed to enhance UAV capabilities.
In a groundbreaking move, Ukrainian forces have launched what is believed to be a world-first all-robot, combined-arms unmanned attack against Russian troops in the ...