Woody Butler Homes is set to build 100 new houses in Lacy Lakeview. Upon completion, the area will see significant growth with these new homes.
St. Joseph’s Church, 9656 Elk Road near Axtell, will hold its annual fish fry and bake sale from 4:30 to 7 p.m. each Friday ...
Keep Waco Beautiful will hold its second World Water Day event March 22 at Indian Spring Park. A river cleanup and water ...
Waco's riverwalk project continues toward rebidding and construction. The project plans to honor the historic Sandtown neighborhood in its design.
WACO, Texas (KWTX) - A Bellmead man who was holding an alcoholic ... 12, 2021, crash on the Interstate 35 access road near Lacy Lakeview in which Elmer Servin, 22, and Cirilo Randy Melendez ...
The Texas A&M Forest Service has awarded $2.1 million in grants to volunteer fire departments across the state. The big boost ...
Bellmead Apartments residents, from left, Karen Feicht, June Mauritz and Sandy Roux at the event celebrating national honors earned by a clinic inside the apartments A health care clinic inside ...
Wide receiver Kyren Lacy was not one of the 48 wide receivers invited to the combine after finishing his senior season with 58 receptions for 866 yards and nine touchdowns. Lacy ranked 10th in the ...
MONTCALM COUNTY, Mich. — West Michigan is the center of the ice fishing world as 10 different countries, including the U.S., are in Lakeview for the 2025 World Ice Fishing Championship.