Woody Butler Homes is set to build 100 new houses in Lacy Lakeview. Upon completion, the area will see significant growth with these new homes.
St. Joseph’s Church, 9656 Elk Road near Axtell, will hold its annual fish fry and bake sale from 4:30 to 7 p.m. each Friday ...
Keep Waco Beautiful will hold its second World Water Day event March 22 at Indian Spring Park. A river cleanup and water ...
Waco's riverwalk project continues toward rebidding and construction. The project plans to honor the historic Sandtown neighborhood in its design.
The Texas A&M Forest Service has awarded $2.1 million in grants to volunteer fire departments across the state. The big boost ...
Plus, you'll find a smattering of independent theaters here. Another Lakeview area worth checking out is Boystown, the nation's first officially recognized gay village. Though parts of Lakeview ...