(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, FEB 25 - Senior Italian Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco said Tuesday that Pope Francis's current health problems do not warrant talk of him resigning as head of the Catholic Church.
What pontiff is next in line to head the Catholic Church? Pope Francis remains in critical condition, says Vatican. Here's update and what to know ...
The Vatican has set in motion nightly prayers for Pope Francis in the hope that he might recover and get back to leading the ...
Angelo Bagnasco, Raymond Burke, Robert Sarah, and Malcolm Ranjith. Edward Pentin, the National Catholic Register's longtime senior Rome correspondent, released a book in August 2020 called "The ...
Angelo Bagnasco, Raymond Burke, Robert Sarah, and Malcolm Ranjith. Edward Pentin, the National Catholic Register's longtime senior Rome correspondent, released a book in August 2020 called "The ...
Angelo Cardinal Bagnasco is the current Archbishop of Genova, Italy and Cardinal-Priest of Gran Madre di Dio. He was born on January 14, 1943 in Pontevico, Italy and was ordained a priest of ...
Angelo Bagnasco, Raymond Burke, Robert Sarah, and Malcolm Ranjith. Edward Pentin, the National Catholic Register's longtime senior Rome correspondent, released a book in August 2020 called "The ...