City, state and national housing experts say zoning policies can also impact housing prices, a key issue in Salt Lake City.
The full Utah Senate narrowly voted to approve a bill that would change who picks the chief justice of the Utah Supreme Court ...
As the mayor's choice for the new Salt Lake City police chief awaits approval, state lawmakers ramp up pressure to fight ...
Seven Salt Lake police officers who were placed on administrative leave after a new officer was told to cut the blisters off ...
A new bill would create a path for another stadium in addition to the planned Major League Baseball field in Salt Lake City's ...
Some of Salt Lake City's most beloved trees are actually sick. City officials are trying new methods to help diseased ...
Hundreds of people met at Washington Square Park on Saturday afternoon to walk in unison to the Utah State Capitol, saying they hope for change.
Officers with the Salt Lake City Police Department have been disciplined for inappropriately handling the dead body of a ...
West-East Connections Study to review options that can improve transportation connections between parts of city.
Golf cart fees would also increase by $1 at Forest Dale and Nibley Park golf courses, as well as an extra $1 per nine holes ...
A wide-ranging transportation bill is still on track to study changes to Salt Lake City's busy roads but without a section ...
Salt Lake City and Los Angeles, the major population hubs of their respective states, are much different places, but they ...