The indices of political freedom are based on criteria established by the Polity IV database (Marshall and Jaggers, 2009)—with zero the most authoritarian and 1 the most democratic. Reforms are ...
When people donate blood, this part can be separated out. Then it can be given to you through a vein in your arm, or IV. If you get IVIg, it can help strengthen your immune system so you can fight ...
An elementary electronic device. Before the advent of integrated circuits (chips), all electronic components (transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes) were individually packaged. However ...
Libaridian, Gerard J. 2022. The History of Imperial Politics and the Politics of Imperial History. Journal of Political Science: Bulletin of Yerevan University, Vol. 1, Issue. 3, p. 10. Britland, ...
Maneuvering within the waters of NASA's Turning Basin, a pair of tugboats gingerly pushed the massive Pegasus barge against the bulkhead Tuesday morning near the iconic Vehicle Assembly Building.