The family of Martin Luther King Jr. fears that newly released government documents will be used to tarnish his legacy "under the guise of transparency" on the heels of President Donald Trump ...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a U.S. holiday and national day of service. It took a long time for the country to get there It was first proposed four days after King's 1968 assassination outside a ...
Thursday marked a monumental moment in American history as it was April 4, 1968 that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed.
FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Seven in 10 Americans support President Donald Trump‘s decision to release classified documents about the assassinations of John ... F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther ...
Honoring the legacy of Martin Luther King Junior and ensuring that his mission continues for future generations is the goal ...
Early in the year, the significant legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. resonates strongly ... Immediately thereafter, President John F. Kennedy moved from extreme caution to active support of major ...
[AFP] President Donald Trump has signed executive orders declassifying the assassination records of former President John ... F Kennedy and the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. According ...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a powerful speech on justice at SMU's packed McFarlin Auditorium in 1966.
LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- ABC7 presented the 40th Annual Kingdom Day Parade on Monday, celebrating the dream and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event was moved to February because of ...
Born in 1929 in Atlanta, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would go on to become the voice ... Another Georgian who was key in the movement was John Lewis. Lewis and other demonstrators were beaten ...