It’s the midday slump ... Resist grazing or food ‘teasing’ 2. Keep glucose in check 3. Optimize your health with a daily ...
That's why the most successful people we know generally stop to eat a midday meal ... Today, he eats a balanced diet that ...
The way to better health is through your stomach — eating ... spicy kraut pack a probiotic punch for lunch As a nutritious midday meal, Tamburello recommends filling a whole-wheat tortilla ...
Plant Power by Dr. Luigi Fontana features more than 80 recipes from Healthy Longevity Chef Marzio Lanzini. University of Sydney The book, Plant Power: The Essential Plant Food Guide to Enrich Your ...
Diet-related illnesses like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease take a terrible toll in human lives, well-being, and healthcare costs. These health impacts hit the most vulnerable members of our ...