It’s the midday slump ... Resist grazing or food ‘teasing’ 2. Keep glucose in check 3. Optimize your health with a daily ...
That's why the most successful people we know generally stop to eat a midday meal ... Today, he eats a balanced diet that ...
The way to better health is through your stomach — eating ... spicy kraut pack a probiotic punch for lunch As a nutritious midday meal, Tamburello recommends filling a whole-wheat tortilla ...
Diet-related illnesses like diabetes, hypertension and heart disease take a terrible toll in human lives, well-being, and healthcare costs. These health impacts hit the most vulnerable members of our ...
Plant Power by Dr. Luigi Fontana features more than 80 recipes from Healthy Longevity Chef Marzio Lanzini. University of Sydney The book, Plant Power: The Essential Plant Food Guide to Enrich Your ...