Off Federalism is a system of government in which the same area is controlled by two levels of government; a national division and smaller subdivisions. Nepal had a unitary form of government in place ...
Nepal, April 17 -- If federalism fails to address the aspirations of the voters, the call for a return to a Hindu state and monarchy could be stronger in days to come The question arises ...
Nepal’s monthslong festival season has begun with tens of thousands of devotees pulling a wooden chariot with a young girl ...
This story appears in the June 2015 issue of National Geographic magazine. EDITOR’S NOTE This story went to press before the earthquake struck Nepal on April 25. The kumaris in the Kathmandu ...
Under the constitution, a proportion of seats in the federal and provincial assemblies ... Rita Shrestha told Reuters news agency. Many in Nepal hope the election will bring much needed stability ...
But even if you know how to use Microsoft Word, you might not be aware that you can even draw and sketch in the application. Whether you’d like to call attention to a certain part of your ...
One of the reasons our politics has become more divisive is that the federal government has usurped too much control over policy matters that are best left to state and local governments ...
The true meaning of the Tenth Amendment, and the extent of state versus federal power, would ultimately be tested by the Civil War. After the Civil War, some states tried to craft unique solutions ...
Leaving aside the conspiracy theories, a federal form of government, if enacted, will likely prove a bane rather than a boon for the country. Federalism may end up only reinforcing socio-economic ...
The United States and Ecuador circulated a draft resolution on Friday asking the United Nations to begin planning for a UN ...
Climate change is melting glaciers at unprecedented rates - and putting thousands in Nepal at risk. Authorities have said there are no deaths or injuries, but more than a dozen buildings are ...
Federalism is one of the most important and innovative concepts in the U.S. Constitution, although the word never appears there.